Drive-in Racking

Drive-in Racking

Product Code: R002
Price: 0.00THB

Drive - In Racking System
Capacity Load 200-1500 Kg./Pallet

Suitable for one sort of goods with large quantity, type of  storage: same kind of goods store at same level, This system is serve as First-In, Last-Out (FILO) which means first storing goods will be last de-store and by this system need to prioritize and store the prior take-out goods at the front side for convenient and to save time. This system has the limit in palletize the goods but on the other hand require smaller passage way than the selective racking system in order to store more capacity which suitable for consumer product manufacturer including the cold storage for warehouse leasing.


Quality and  Benefit

  • Structure is designed to save the area up to 40-60%.
  • More efficient in storing for stock and unloading since the goods are stored differently on each level.
  • More strength structure and can withstand heavier load.
  • Each level is adjustable to suit  a dimension of goods storing.